Routine Gynecological Exam
A well woman examination, also known as your annual gynecological exam, is a vital part of your overall health care. This exam is a preventative measure that can help prevent illness, lead to early detection of cancers, and detect infections and other conditions before they cause serious damage. Through wellness exams, your doctor can monitor any health changes over time and provide helpful information for healthy living.
Your annual gynecological exam includes talking about your personal, family, and medical history and taking your vital signs. It may also include laboratory tests, screening for infections and other conditions, counseling, a pelvic exam, and a breast exam. Pap tests are also a part of gynecological exams. They can detect the presence of abnormal cells in the cervix, infections and inflammations of the cervix, and other cervical conditions.
If you have been experiencing any changes in your body, such as changes in your menstruation or unexplained pain, this is the time to discuss it with your doctor. We invite you to ask questions and discuss any concerns you may have.
Suture Removal
There are many methods of closing wounds – from stitches (sutures) and surgical staples to closure tape and adhesives. Sutures can be used internally and externally on every part of the body. To close a wound, the suture is used in a “sewing” method. The type of suture used – absorbable and non-absorbable – dictates if the sutures have to be removed.
Once the wound has healed, non-absorbable sutures have to be removed. Using sterile forceps, the suture is picked up and then cut by surgical scissors. The loosened suture is then removed. During the procedure, you may feel slight tugging. Once all of the sutures are removed, adhesive strips are placed over the wound.
Staple removal is very similar to suture removal. A special instrument called a surgical staple remover is used to gently pull the staple out. Again, you may feel slight tugging during the procedure and adhesive strips are placed over the wound.
You will be given instructions on continued wound care after the removal of your sutures.
Removal of Skin Tags and Warts
There are a number of methods used to remove skin tags and warts, including the use of a scalpel, cryosurgery or laser surgery. A local anesthetic will be used to numb the targeted area, and stitches will be used to close the hole left in the skin.
Following the procedure, patients may experience mild pain at the surgery site. It is important to keep the area clean and dry, covered with a bandage for up to two days. Stitches will be kept in place for up to two weeks.
Joint Injections (Provider Specific)
To treat rheumatic diseases, physicians sometime prescribe joint injections (using cortisone) to suffering patients. While the cortisone does not cure the pain, it is an anti-inflammatory, which will alleviate pain by decreasing the swelling.
Cortisone is a steroid that is naturally produced in the body. Injecting a strong concentration of cortisone is an excellent treatment option that will specifically target the inflamed area of injection. Cortisone injections are typically prescribed for pain in the joints and can be used to treat many rheumatic diseases, including:
- Arthritis
- Bursitis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Gout
- Lupus
- Osteoarthritis
- Sarcoidosis
- Tendonitis
Joint injections usually start to diminish inflammation and alleviate pain within the first few days and can last as long as a few weeks.
Electrocardiography (EKG)
An electrocardiogram, also known as an EKG, is a non-invasive and very simple test used to measure the heart’s electrical activity. An EKG allows your physician to determine if your heart is beating at a normal or slow, fast or irregular pace. The test also allows us to recognize any part of the heart that may be overworked or too large.
An EKG is a quick and simple procedure. First, we will apply small, sticky electrodes to your chest, arms and legs. Small wires are then used to connect the electrodes to the EKG machine, which will record your heart’s electrical activity. Other than possible mild irritation from removing the electrodes, there is no pain associated with this test.
Nebulizer Treatment
Over the years, there has been several treatment methods used for asthma. By far, the most common type used has been inhaled medications. A nebulizer is a device used to deliver inhaled medications.
Nebulizers use a tube or mask that fits over the nose and mouth to deliver a fine, liquid mist of medication. These are most often used with young children or patients with more severe asthma.
A nebulizer works efficiently to deliver medications to your lower airways helping to avoid an asthma attack and/or alleviating the symptoms of one. Your allergist will help determine which device will be most beneficial for you.
Immunization Administration
Vaccines are one of the safest and best methods of prevention. Immunizations can be administered to patients with minor illnesses, such as an ear infection or runny nose. Patients experiencing moderate to severe sickness should not receive some vaccinations, and those with other health conditions should not be given specific vaccines or receive them at a later date.
Our office follows the Immunization Schedule recommended by the Center of Disease Control (CDC):
CDC’s Recommended Immunizations
If you have any questions/concerns about yours or your child’s immunizations, feel free to contact us.
Allergy Injections
If you cannot avoid your allergens and medication does not control your symptoms, your doctor may recommend you receive allergy injections or immunotherapy. The purpose of immunotherapy is to help your body get used to (become desensitized) to your allergens, in hopes that your immune system will build up tolerance, and symptoms lessen overtime.
Allergy injections may also be an effective treatment option if the medication(s) prescribed by your doctor causes worrisome side effects or interacts with other medicines that are essential for your health. Furthermore, allergy shots may be helpful if you want to lessen the long-term use of a medication used to treat your allergies.
Each shot contains a sufficient amount of the specific allergen to stimulate your immune system, but not enough to cause you to experience a full-blown allergic reaction.
They can be administered to control your allergic response to seasonal allergy symptoms, such as hay fever or allergic asthma, due to exposure to pollens released by trees, or allergies to cockroaches and dust mites, which can impact your health year-round. Allergy shots can also relieve symptoms triggered by stings from bees or wasps.
Although rare, allergy injections can cause reactions, including:
- Redness, irritation or swelling at the injection site. This should go away within 4 to 8 hours.
- Hives, nasal congestion, sneezing, wheezing, swelling and tightness in the chest. These less common reactions can be potentially serious.
- Anaphylaxis, which causes trouble bleeding and low blood pressure. This also rarely occurs, but is life-threatening.
You’re less likely to have these responses if you receive your shots weekly or monthly, regularly, without skipping a dose.
Removal of Earwax
Earwax is a way your body naturally protects the ear canal, but sometimes a buildup of earwax can cause a blockage in the ear canal. For most, earwax moves to the opening of the ear naturally, and as new earwax develops the older either falls out or is washed out.
Blockages can sometimes occur when an excessive amount of earwax is produced, which makes it more difficult for the wax to wash out. A blockage can also occur when people attempt to clean their ears with a Q-tip or other items, when it actually just pushes the wax deeper into the ear.
Common signs that you may have an ear canal blockage include:
- Earache
- Ear noise
- Decreased hearing
- The feeling your ear is congested
Your physician is skilled in removing earwax from your ear using a small, curved instrument or by using a suction device. Another option is to have the earwax flushed out using a water pick or bulb-syringe filled with warm water.
If earwax buildup is a continuous problem, a wax-removal medication may be prescribed. We will be certain to fully explain this treatment method as there are some side effects.